The RedCut Collective is composed of independent filmmakers whose aim is to strengthen the bonds with and among their peers in the Middle East by relying on shared experiences and knowledge. The RedCut Collective hopes to transcend geographical borders and create a space for convergence among independent filmmakers, particularly those in and from the Middle East. This collective aims to explore novel and creative forms of expression and break free from the capitalist conventions that dominate the film industry, in production, distribution, and audience engagement.


A Woman, a Film, a Different Gaze

A Woman, a Film, a Different Gaze

JOSIE FANON, 1977 TRANSLATED BY SIS MATTHÉ What does it mean to make a film when you are a woman, an Algerian, a novelist (writing in French) and you decide to make it in your own country, for the people of that country, with the widest distribution possible, as it is...


Interview with Arab Loutfi

Interview with Arab Loutfi

By Nicola Pratt 2014 TAPE 1 Nicola Pratt: When were you born? Arab Loutfi: I was born in Lebanon in 1953, in Sidon, south of Lebanon. NP: Did you grow up in Lebanon? AL: Yes, I grew up in Lebanon. And... I only came to Egypt... and I used to come to Egypt when I was a...

The censorship and other ever tightening restrictions imposed by oppressive and totalitarian regimes, on the one hand, and the influence of global commercial interests, on the other, have for long dimmed the prospects of independent filmmaking in many parts of the Middle East. The RedCut Collective rejects systematic control and various forms of censorship and self-censorship, seeking to provide a platform for independent filmmakers to freely express their ideas. RedCut’s alternative path involves rediscovering, understanding, and engaging with what can only be called a truly collective independent cinema. The focus in this path will be on independent filmmakers who have fought against class, gender, and ethnic oppression, consistently working to expose and challenge structures of suppression and dominance.